The Gospel episode of Jesus’ interaction with the Canaanite woman, whose daughter is possessed by a demon, is a puzzling one. Jesus seems to dismiss her pleas and, at least initially, refuses to even speak to her. Even His disciples beg Him to help her, admittedly just to get rid of her, and still He refuses. Finally, the woman herself falls to her knees and offers a heart-wrenching plea: ‘Lord, help me.’ Jesus’ response is not flattering: ‘It’s not fair to take the children’s food and throw it to the house dogs.’ How are we to understand this passage?
Firstly, we must affirm some things. Jesus loves this Canaanite woman and God’s mercy extends beyond any borders. If our hearts are moved by her plight, then I have no doubt that Jesus’ was as well. So why does He act in this way?
It seems to me that Jesus is drawing out a remarkable faith from this woman. Her initial request goes unanswered, and even when she falls to her knees before the Lord, she is rebuffed. Still, she doesn’t lose confidence in Christ, retorting, ‘Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the table.’ Jesus is clearly impressed: ‘Woman,’ He says, ‘great is your faith!’
At times, we find our prayers seemingly go unanswered, even when what we ask for is clearly good. At times, we suffer discouragement, even at the hands of representatives of the Gospel. We, like the Canaanite woman, are called to great faith and persistence. In times of trial and discouragement, we should remember that God hears our prayer, and He will act.
by Fr Michael Grace