Today we are invited to join Jesus on the road to Jerusalem. Our Easter celebrations are over for another year, but never forgotten. We live our lives daily with Easter eyes, empowered by the Spirit. We have no reason to be afraid. However, in the daily living as disciples we can find ourselves like the Twelve confused and misguided. Death is over, victory is won and yet the reality of drudgery, suffering and death is still very much with us.
James and John seemed to have an image of the cross as a difficult episode that Jesus needed to get through on the way to a happy ending. Then they will walk triumphantly in the victory march, as the important ones, either side of Jesus.
This speaks of privilege, a trap for us all! Jesus speaks of service and of losing our lives. Life is not something we get through on the way to a happy ending. As baptised disciples our lives are marked with the pattern of dying and rising. Today let us be open to the Spirit who will reveal to us the moments we need to die to self and to rise with generosity and joy. Let us walk on the road with Jesus in committed love.
By Kari Hatherell