
Relying On God’s Defence

– Wednesday 34th Week in Ordinary Time –

So make up your minds not to prepare your defence in advance.”  [Luke 21:13]

In my family, I can often be on my guard. When I am asked if I did something I did not do, my mind almost always perceives this as an accusation and a defensive switch often flicks on. “It wasn’t me”. I often present an alibi or perhaps, sometimes suggest an alternative to the culprit of the mess or situation. We can have similar feelings at work or in our key relationships. There is a feeling of wanting to preserve our status or dignity by declaring our innocence. 

Jesus calls us into the broader picture. Today, He invites us to look to Him for our defence and for our meaning. He calls us to abandon ourselves to the wisdom of God, trusting boldly that He equips us as He needs, rather than pre-meditating our responses. This takes enormous trust given our vulnerability in such situations. 

Luke’s Gospel today reminds us that to seek any earthly status or dignity is not only a futile endeavour, but also the wrong one – the wrong focus. Jesus encourages us to have patience to see the true victory as often, it will not be won on this side of Heaven. 


by Georgina Devenish-Meares

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