The writings ascribed to John are a wonder, a challenge and, sometimes, a conundrum. For reasons best known to the writer and to the Holy Spirit, John embraces the beginning of time (John 1:1) and, when read in continuity with its sister-text, John touches the end of time (Revelation 21:1). Then there’s everything in between to be found in the gospel and in his beautiful letters.
Do not be overwhelmed by these texts. The writings of John contain words that we can return to again and again, always surprised by their depth and how they open for us an insight into who God is, how God works, and who we are called to be in response to the Father’s love, the Son’s teaching and promise of life, and the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
Take today’s little text as an example. It begins with these words: ‘Very truly I tell you’.
Meditate on these words, understanding that they are the words of the master-teacher. The ‘Word’, the second person of the Trinity, spoken before all ages, wishes to speak to you. Incarnate as the man, Jesus Christ, he reaches down and takes on our life so we can join him in his.
This is the good news of salvation – the promise that those who ‘hear and believe’ will pass from death to life. Ponder this text today. Let it become part of you. It is God’s promise to you, and he waits to see whether you will embrace it. God is waiting to free us (Pope Francis, Lenten Message, 2014).
by Shane Dwyer