In the gospel today we hear Jesus say, “you have hidden these things from the wise and the intelligent and have revealed them to infants”. The quest for knowledge in our world has certainly transformed the human race, with scientific and technological advances having rapidly changed society. Our God-given gifts have allowed us the capacity to enter into this quest for knowledge and we have certainly benefited from it, however, our happiness and fulfillment should not depend on it.
Many claim their understanding of economics, science or politics equates to substance in this world, but these are not the ones to whom God bestows the perception of Christian truths. As the Gospel today states, God gives these truths to ‘infants’; those who are childlike. Jesus certainly does not mean those who are ‘childish,’ but instead those that, like a child, are open to new learnings and experiences, and ultimately an encounter with God.
Jesus is reminding us not to get so caught up in the search for logic, reason and understanding of the world that we miss the opportunity to encounter God. Often it is among the poorest in our society that we find true religion, for God has enriched them with living faith. Truly, it is those that humble themselves enough to be born again, so they are open like a child, that God bestows the greatest of Christian truths.
by Jessica Laidler