
What Is Our Why?

– Wednesday Week 2 of Easter –

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.”  [John 3:16]

Simon Sinek is a leadership expert and author, best known for his TED talk on the concept of ‘WHY’ that has over 60 million views. In it, he talks about how leaders can inspire trust and collaboration through a method that the most successful businesses and organisation use. Rather than talk about what they do or how they do it, they talk about why they do it, what’s their purpose.

It’s a model that translates into a faith context quite easily. What we do: is share the good news, grow in faith and live out the calling Christ has on our lives. How we do it: is we go to Mass, partake in the sacraments, pray and seek out fellowship with others who share our beliefs. But why do we do this? This answer is deeply personal and one we must discover for ourselves. What is your purpose?

In today’s gospel, Jesus tells Nicodemus the Pharisee, and he tells us, quite clearly, his purpose. Why did Jesus come into this world? Because God loves us so dearly, he sent his Son, so we may have eternal life. You are his ‘why,’ he gave his life, so you could live in the Father’s house, in his love, forever.

In your prayer today, give yourself some space and some time to sit with that thought, let yourself experience the great love God has for you.

+ Lord, thank you for your great sacrifice. Thank you for dying and rising again for me, so that I can live in love for all eternity with you.


by Nattasha Mierendorf

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