
Don’t see a need without doing something about it

– Tuesday of the 14th week in Ordinary Time –

“The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few.” [Matthew 9:32-38]

Today’s gospel has me pondering, what motivates Jesus?

We read about the great compassion Jesus had for the people he ministered to. He looked on them and saw they were ‘harassed and helpless’; he healed them from their sicknesses and demons; he taught them and shared the good news; he was a shepherd to his flock.

There have been times when I have seen something and my compassion has moved me to act; I have had to do something. A favourite quote of mine is from St Mary of the Cross Mackillop: “Don’t see a need without doing something about it.” But how strong does that ‘need’ have to become before we will do something about it? What are the unseen needs that pass us by each day? Who are the people like the man healed in today’s gospel, who had no voice, who cannot speak up and ask us for help? I think the harvest Christ speaks of is far greater than any of us really understand.

Jesus, give me a compassionate heart. Let me see your flock as you do, Lord, and help me step up and become a labourer for your Kingdom.

by Nattasha Mierendorf

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