As we read today’s gospel, Mark, in his usual brevity, tells us that Jesus was transfigured, and we are left to “figure out’ what that means. The response of the disciples tells us that they experienced an intense understanding of the true nature of Jesus. They were changed. Their eyes were opened to see Jesus as he truly is, if only for a brief moment.
The affirmation of this intense experience was both for Jesus and for the disciples. It is for us also. Are we able to be open to the presence of Jesus in the dailiness of our living? Are we able to let our lives be changed? Jesus does not need passive ‘hangers on’ in his mission. We are needed to be active participants in the mission of Jesus.
The words of Trish Watts mantra, Icon of Grace,
‘May we see Christ’s loving face; may we be an icon of his grace’, encourages us to live this changed and committed way.
‘This is my Son, the Beloved; listen to Him!’ Let us have the courage to listen to Him this day.
by Sr Anne Surtees osu