
Greatest and Least

– Tuesday, Week 8 in Ordinary Time –

‘But many who are first will be last, and the last will be first.’ (Mark 10:31)

In today’s Gospel, Peter speaks with what I imagine to be anguish after hearing how hard it is to enter heaven.  ‘We have left everything and followed you.’  Peter and the disciples heard the call of Jesus and dropped everything in their lives; jobs, family, houses, and the stability of knowing what their future would hold.  Why?  The call of Christ was so special and so good that everything else couldn’t compare.  Yet, there is still a hint of despair.

When Jesus responds, you understand what heaven will offer, but He also promises the persecution that will come with it.  In heaven, those who have given up everything will receive just as much, while in contrast, those who hold themselves up high and mighty will be considered the least.

Everything that seems to be important here on earth, including career, power, influence and possessions will mean nothing if we do not offer it up when Jesus calls.

Look back at what your cost has been in following Jesus, the call you’ve answered, and where it has led you and is still leading you.  Hopefully, you’ll see that alongside the sacrifices, there is peace and grace that only Christ can provide.

+ Jesus, let me find you in all the areas of my life and see the graces You’ve provided for me.  Give me the grace to courageously follow you in all that I do and lead me to you. Be with me now and always. Amen.

by Nick Kelly

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