
Learning to hear his voice

– Tuesday, Week 4 of Easter –

“If you are the Christ, tell us plainly.” (John 10:24)

This is something that I ask Jesus frequently. No matter how many times I encounter his faithfulness, in times of stress and brokenness, I backtrack to this question. ‘Listen, Lord, if you truly are the Christ, show me now!’ I tend to block out the previous years of faithfulness when asking this question. This can be such a common occurrence in our walk with God. ‘If you just show up now, I’ll believe in you a little bit more.’ Can you relate to this?

Jesus says, “My sheep hear my voice, I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27). This is a call back to the sheepfold; an invitation to trust In Jesus and the divine protection he offers us as the Good Shepherd. Jesus wants to be in relationship with us. He desires that we learn to hear his voice. Today is the day to stop asking for a ‘sign.’ Rather, we seek to listen for his voice in the silence, in prayer, in the Word and in the sacrament of our daily lives.

I love you Jesus and I put my life in your hands. You are the Good Shepherd, and you lead me to eternal life. Today I choose to follow you and be your disciple. With your grace Lord, teach me how to listen for your voice.

 Speak, for your servant is listening. (1 Samuel 3:10)

By Dom Dougherty

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