
The Living Bread

– Thursday 3rd Week of Easter –

I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.” [John 6:51]

Today we continue to read from John Chapter 6, a reflection on the statement of Jesus, “I am the bread of life.” In many ways this is a life time journey of discovery to glimpse the depths of what we are being offered; being drawn by the Father, eating this bread of life and living forever.

This eternal promise from God asks a lifetime commitment from us.  While we rejoice when children receive the Eucharist for the first time, we also know that their taste for the bread of life will take years to mature. This can be quite difficult in a society that seeks to convince us that instant satisfaction is possible. Hungering for the eternal gift of life is a hunger like no other.

On the whole we live privileged lives including the availability to celebrate the Eucharist. We can become dissatisfied easily if the style of the liturgy doesn’t appeal, the homily doesn’t inspire and the time doesn’t suit! While all this matters and can make a difference, sometimes it may be that we don’t take the time to contemplate the gift we are offered. 

During this season of Easter, let’s be drawn in again to the riches that these gospel texts offer us, let’s open ourselves to be drawn by the Father, to being feed by the bread of life and to the experience of the eternal life that is as real today as it will be at death. If we do this, our deep hunger will be satisfied and we will truly be alive in the Risen Christ for ever.

by Kari Hatherell OSU

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