
Attend to What is Important

– Thursday, Week 1 of Advent –

‘The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on rock.’ (Matthew 7:25)

I once lived with Brother Denis Hernon, whose favourite saying was, ‘Can you leave that which is essential and attend to that which is important?’

Years ago, Anthony Ryan and I founded Eddie’s Van which built a sense of community, acceptance and welcome for the homeless of Brisbane. One Friday night, I was rostered to lead the team. It was bucketing down rain. I was tired and just wanted to go home. The students had the water boiling and the coffee, tea, biscuits and soup all ready. I grumbled, ‘Let’s not go out tonight – the rain is too heavy!’ The students said, ‘No, Sir, we have to go out.’ ‘Why?’ I asked. ‘Because we told them we would be there,’ came the reply. So down to King George Square we went, rain pouring down. When we arrived, the rain was only a steady drizzle. The boys spread out to chat with their ‘friends on the streets.’ I was busy (drenched) making coffees and they (the homeless) came from everywhere. The small bus shelter was crowded. After a couple of minutes, I heard THE most powerful sentence of my teaching career. One of the homeless turned to his mate and simply said, ‘See, I told you they would come!’

The homeless did not come to the van for the coffee, soup, or biscuits. They came for the companionship, welcome and acceptance, and the ROCK of it all was our fidelity. Too often, they had been let down. Too often, they had experienced mere talk. We turned up, in the rain, to just be there with them.

This Advent as we prepare our eyes, ears and heart to welcome and celebrate Emmanuel – God with us – let’s build our house on rock, let us go to the heart of the Gospel.

By Br Damien Price cfc

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