Today we honour the sacrifice of not only John the Baptist, but all those who have given their lives for their fidelity to Jesus Christ in the face of persecution and hate. It is estimated that there have been over 70 million Christians martyrs over two millennia, more than half of whom have been killed in the 20th century. What is it that arouses such hate and violence against Christians, even today?
There is a clue in today’s Gospel about the death of John the Baptist. It is the grudge that Herodias bears in her heart against John because he has called out the sinfulness of her marriage to Herod. Given the opportunity, she asks for John’s head on a platter because he is a thorn in her side and challenges her status with the truth.
Christians, who challenge injustice with the truth of the Gospel face persecution, imprisonment, torture and death even today in many places. Even though it is unlikely we will experience such extreme violence, we will be called to stand up for what we believe in when it clashes with what others think and demand that we support. We face being ostracised, excluded, abused or ridiculed for standing firm in our beliefs. If, like Herodias, we hold grudges against others, then we too, can soon become a persecutor of those who think and act differently to ourselves.
Lord Jesus, we pray for all those who will suffer hardship, even martyrdom for their belief in you. Cleanse our hearts of any bitterness, so that we can be agents of truth and justice, bringing peace and healing into our world. Amen.
by Mike Humphrys