I wonder what your response is to this question? It seems so obvious, of course a blind person would want to see! What a wonderful gift. The trouble is that gifts come with responsibility. I must leave what I have known, my old self, and live fully the gift I have been given. Suddenly my known life sitting by the side of the road may be safer!
We need to understand Bartimaeus not as a blind beggar but as someone who was ready to embrace the life that Jesus offered. “Master, let me see again.” He was willing to take the risk no matter the consequences. And he saw Jesus!
What do you need to ask Jesus for today? Are you ready to take the risk? Do you have the faith of Bartimaeus? If you do take the risk, you too will see Jesus. And you too will live with the gift offered to you, the responsibility and joy of following Jesus along the road.
By Kari Hatherell