
Responding Wholeheartedly to Jesus

– Feast of Saint James, Apostle –

‘the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve’  (Matthew 20:28)

James, son of Zebedee, and elder brother of the apostle John was one of Jesus’ earliest followers. He and his brother were called by Jesus while they were by the Sea of Galilee (Mt 4:21-22), and they immediately left their father and boat to follow him. This demonstrated their strong and passionate characters, earning them the nickname ‘sons of thunder’ from Jesus.

After Pentecost, James faced persecution by Jewish authorities, leading to his imprisonment and scourging. King Herod had James killed by the sword. (Acts 12:2)  St. James, the Apostle is honoured in Santiago de Compostela where his relics lie, turning Compostela into a major pilgrimage destination.

Being an Apostle entails a challenging life, marked by hardship, limited comforts and dedication to spreading God’s Word. Preachers of the Gospel often face suffering and resistance because Jesus’ teaching inevitably disrupts one’s comfort zones and challenges one’s way of thinking and living.

Following Jesus demands humility. From our Baptism, we are called to be a witness and transform the world. This transformation is only possible through serving others with generosity, dedication and joy in following and announcing Jesus. May St. James inspire us to be modern day apostles in word and action. Amen.  

by Ernesto Villalba

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