Pretty scary words. How do you think someone new to the bible would feel about this passage?
Jesus rejected any use of violence in his mission. He did not form his followers into an army. A faithful follower of Jesus will love, not attack his enemies. They will be patient, forgiving, compassionate and try to create a space of peace, joy, hope and goodness.
Fire is a symbol of testing, purification and life. The fire of Jesus burns with great potential within each of us. It purifies our hearts, provides comfort and fosters life within. If we allow this divine fire to blaze, it will convert what it consumes into itself. It can destroy habits of sin and convert ordinary people into great missionaries, heroic martyrs, outstanding preachers, holy married couples, blessed contemplatives and devoted parents whose lives of extraordinary love give glory to God.
Jesus is the one whom Isaiah called the ‘Prince of Peace’, so why is Jesus saying he is the cause of division? Living ablaze for Christ is offensive to the world who do not know or accept God. The truth of the Gospel challenges the ways and beliefs of secularity, false religion and superstition. Christians become examples of outstanding love, generosity or forgiveness, which rocks the darkness of disbelief leading to divisions within families and communities.
Today let us pray in a special way for families who do not share faith in God, may the Fire of Jesus touch their hearts and unite them in His Love.
by Vanessa Comninos