Today’s Gospel marks the culmination of the church’s five-week journey through John Chapter 6, centred on Jesus’ profound Bread of Life Discourse. This passage vividly captures the reaction to Jesus’ radical teachings about eating his flesh and drinking his blood. Many disciples grapple with these challenging words, voicing their struggle: ‘This teaching is difficult; who can accept it?’ Jesus, aware of their discomfort, pushes them further by highlighting his divine nature and future ascension: ‘Then what if you were to see the Son of man ascending to where he was before?’ He differentiates between the Spirit that gives life and the flesh, which is of no avail, underscoring that his words are spirit and life.
This discourse brings the disciples to a pivotal moment of decision. Confronted with teachings they cannot easily reconcile with their understanding; many choose to turn away from Jesus. In this crucial juncture, Jesus poses a direct question to the Twelve, a question you can also ask yourself: ‘Do you also wish to go away?’ Simon Peter’s response is a heartfelt declaration of faith and trust in Jesus’ identity: ‘Lord, to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life.’ Peter’s faith in Jesus as the Holy One of God empowers him to embrace teachings beyond his full comprehension, highlighting a fundamental aspect of Christian belief—trusting in Jesus’ divine authority.
This passage underscores the ongoing controversy and division sparked by Jesus’ teachings on the Eucharist, illustrating the essential need for faith and grace to accept the profound mystery of Christ’s presence in the Holy Sacrament. It calls for a deep, spiritual commitment, reflecting the timeless challenge of choosing to follow God’s path despite the difficulties and misunderstandings that may arise.
by Ernesto Villalba