
Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life

– Memorial of Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus –

‘But even now I know that God will give you whatever you ask of him,’ [John 11:22]

At times, Martha could be seen as the one busy with active work who neglects interiorising Jesus’ words while Mary is seen as doing the right thing. In today’s Gospel, we encounter Martha in action again, being the first one to meet Jesus, but displaying a different attribute, a strong faith.

It could be thought that Martha reproaches Jesus, ‘if you had been here…’, but this could also show Martha’s grief. I recall the many times when I have questioned God when He has allowed something to happen, only to acknowledge later that His plan was better. Clearly, it was not Jesus’ intention to cure Lazarus because He did not go back to see him when informed of his illness; instead, Lazarus’ death was necessary for Jesus to radically transform many people’s lives. This Gospel text encourages me to grow in hope and trust of Jesus’ will, especially when I feel confused and lack understanding.

Martha’s incredible belief strikes me, ‘But even now I know that God will give you whatever you ask of him’. Her answer is as powerful as Peter’s declaration of faith ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God’ (Matthew 16,16).  I am unsure if she had in mind Lazarus’ resurrection, but I believe she had absolute clarity about who Jesus was and she knew He could change the actual course of things.

I pray today that we may be granted a strong faith to believe that Jesus is indeed the Resurrection and the Life.

by Liliana Ortiz

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