Jesus’ reply to the question asked of him by the Scribes and Pharisees is harsh. And rightly so. He calls them “an evil and adulterous generation” who looks for signs. Is this the kind of Jesus whom we recognise? Jesus is meant to be likeable, meek and mild.
Instead, we see a Jesus, who evaluates and harshly calls out the hypocrisy in the hearts of the Scribes and Pharisees. They demand proof from Jesus if He wants to be deemed worthy of their respect. They come with a prideful heart! Pride makes us demand of others more than we would ask of ourselves.
This Gospel reading prompts us to reflect and examine our own hearts. How do we approach God each day?
Is it genuine ? Do I want to ask for signs because I want to get closer to God, or is it because I want to be impressed ? It also invites us to be open to Jesus however He answers our questions, often surprising us, because we do not get the response that we are looking for or are ready to accept.
Prayer: Lord, help me approach you with humility and faith as I come before you in prayer. Help me to be authentic. You know my heart better than I do. Let me love and serve you with a generous heart. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.
by Cosme Cham