
Expecting Trouble!

– Monday of the 7th Week of Easter –

“In the world you will have trouble, but be brave: I have conquered the world!” [John 16:33]

At times it has been evident that some within the Christian tradition have understood religion as a means to an end. It’s been seen as a way of escaping hell and going to heaven. In this light, Christianity becomes a kind of fire insurance. How do I avoid eternal suffering? Follow these steps… This is also true for some regarding life on earth. It can be assumed that if we’re religious, then God is on our side, and things will go better for us. Both of these notions fail to understand the Catholic faith, and both are inspired by love of self rather than love for God and others.

In today’s gospel, Jesus very plainly tells us that ‘in the world you will have trouble.’ So it is clear that religion is not a means of escaping trouble on earth. And here lies the challenge of today’s gospel. God can never be ‘used’ as a means. God is not a ‘strategy’ for us to get what we want. Rather, God is the end goal of the Christian tradition. Jesus calls us to ‘love God with our heart, soul and mind.’ Our desire for heaven is thus not because we’re looking to escape hell, but rather because we love God deeply and intimately and want to be with God! Religion is not fire insurance, it’s a romance! We don’t turn to religion so that God is on our side, but rather so that we are on God’s side. This means we’re not asking God to do our will, but asking God to help us do his will! It means that we don’t avoid trouble in this world, but that God is with us in our trouble. And in these moments of trouble, disappointment, hurt and brokenness, we are not without hope. In our trouble we look to Jesus who has overcome the world.  

We find the deepest peace not in avoiding trouble, but in the knowledge that God has not left us, he will not forsake us, and he comforts us and holds us close in our darkest moments. Though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we will not fear, for God is with us (Psalm 23:4). In this world we will have trouble, but be brave, Jesus has conquered the world!

by Dcn Peter Pellicaan

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