On average humans forget approximately 50% of new information within an hour of learning it. Jesus knew the disciples and knew what they would need. He knew that they would need a teacher, someone who would remind them of all he had taught.
And so the Father sent the Holy Spirit, the Helper, the Advocate. What a gift! A gift that they did not understand until the day of Pentecost. Their worlds were rocked once more as the Holy Spirit gave them a renewed conviction, a renewed boldness as they proclaimed Christ crucified and risen!
We need reminders too, sometimes repeatedly, and particularly for those harder lessons that we struggle to integrate into our lives.
Like the disciples, we also receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, bestowed on us in baptism. The Holy Spirit encourages us in our baptismal call to be missionary disciples in today’s world. We only need to have ears that are listening – attuned to the Spirit’s quiet voice.
Will you make room for the Holy Spirit to speak? Will you allow yourself to be taught and reminded of all that Jesus has said?
Holy Spirit, I open myself to your work in my life. Teach me and remind me of all that Jesus taught.
by Teresa McGrath