In our Masterclasses, presenters will break open the topic and invite participants to explore it further with practical elements. The goal of these sessions is that delegates will leave a masterclass equipped and inspired to start applying what they’ve learnt, in their own contexts.
Spaces are limited so ensure you register for your Masterclasses before the Summit.
Prayer is life lived in the presence of God. With Jesus’ friend, we move into ever greater intimacy with the God, who is revealed to us in our own humanity.
In his Apostolic Priorities, Archbishop Mark Coleridge reminds us of the need for our communities to become ‘schools of prayer’. Places where all the baptised can learn to be with Jesus, listen to him and be sent out, empowered by the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Gospel. Of course, this includes our youngest disciples! Come and join the Youth and Young Adults Team, and Children and Families Team, of Evangelisation Brisbane for this masterclass as we discover great ways to pray with youth and children so that they too, can learn the ‘art of prayer’.
We often hear about “mindfulness” today, and it can have certain benefits. The Scriptures and Sacred Tradition speak of the “prayer of quiet” or “prayer of silence” or “mental prayer” as the type of prayer which passes over the threshold of one’s mind to personal encounter with Christ, and has the power to refresh every other kind of prayer. Some insights from great figures of prayer will be used as promptings for discussion. Also, how to deal with the problem/opportunity of distractions.
Prayer is not something we ‘do’ but is to be increasingly something we ‘are’. Drawing on the first chapter of the Gospel of Mark, and the teachings of the doctors of the Church, participants will be invited to explore the interaction between contemplation and action in the midst of our busy lives. The practical element will be twofold: practical formation in how to pray as someone being called into a deep relationship with God, and an experience of how to enter into a faith conversation with others.
Christianity is not a religion of the book, but a religion of the Word, an encounter with the Person of Christ. In this masterclass we will explore how the Word speaks to us in prayer and how we can respond. More especially we will look at the importance of Scripture in prayer. St Jerome famously said that ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ, so it is important to understand how we can read the bible prayerfully in order to grow in friendship and love of Jesus.
The Called & Gifted Discernment Process has been used since 1993 by over 200,000 lay, ordained, and religious Catholics and other Christians around the world. It is designed to help Christians discern the presence of charisms in their lives. Charisms, or spiritual gifts, are special abilities given to all Christians by the Holy Spirit to give them power both to represent Christ and to be a channel of God’s goodness for people. Whether extraordinary or ordinary, all charisms ought to be exercised in the service of God (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2003). This Masterclass provides an overview of the course and the teachings included in the program.
Sunday Eucharist is the weekly summit of Christian life and the source of nourishment, grace, strength and inspiration which empowers everyday missionary discipleship in the week ahead. Do our parish liturgies reflect and serve this vision? Are members of our weekend assemblies drawn into united worship and mission through their participation in vibrant, meaningful and engaging liturgy? “Full, conscious, and active participation in liturgical celebrations … is demanded by the very nature of the liturgy … this full and active participation by all the people is the aim to be considered before all else.” (CSL #14) What strategies can be employed by liturgy committees, presiders, musicians, readers, welcomers, communion ministers, and all involved in preparing and celebrating liturgy, to prioritise this vital participation?
The relationship between parish and school has enormous potential to share in the mission of the Church! Together, we can create amazing opportunities for children and their parents to encounter God and find their home in the Church, both during the school years, and beyond. So, what does it take to build a great relationship between your parish and school? Be inspired as we explore this question and share practical ways to make great parish-school relationships a reality!
Engaging young people in the life of the Church is critical; especially as teenage years through to early adulthood are key moments for evangelisation and discipleship. However, this can be challenging, as many young people feel disconnected or disengaged from parish life. By the end of this masterclass, participants will have a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities of youth engagement in Catholic parishes, as well as concrete strategies and tools for fostering a sense of belonging among young people.
Session description tbc
This masterclass explores decision making in the Church with insights from the Vicar General and Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Brisbane. Bishop Ken Howell will explore the importance of synodality in the Church and prayerful decision making with reference to Pope Francis’ Jubilee Address of 2015, and his book “Let Us Dream” as well as sharing how his own decision-making processes have been informed by synodal discernment processes. Participants will be invited to consider how decision-making processes currently take place in their local context and how they might be improved by synodal discernment.
A Church following Christ is not about power and control, but about bing united in love and service. Synodality means “walking together”. How can we “walk together”. What are the practical skills, attitudes and goals we can work on in order to walk together? What does this look like in our parish, in our area, in our diocese, and in our country?
Discernment takes time and practice. It requires faith, a deep trust in one another and in God’s Holy Spirit. It is one tool a synodal community has to ensure that every person has an authentic role in the conversation, prayer and decision-making process. There are times in our communities and organisations when using discernment can expand our hearts and minds in a way which can help to ensure that God and Mission are at the center of the decision being made. In this session, we will identify possible time and space for discernment to work well for you in your context and have an opportunity to practice these skills. You will have some time to plan concrete opportunities for your parish community, group or organisation to grow in your practice of synodality using discernment as one of your tools.
“The secret to change is to focus all your energy not fighting the old, but building the new.” Socrates.
To become the missionary Church that God is calling us to requires transformation and a willingness to lean into the discomfort of change. This masterclass is for both clergy and laity who recognise this era of change that we find ourselves in. It will briefly outline the barriers to change within our parishes, but, more importantly, how leaders can overcome these barriers and courageously lead their parishes with purpose and clarity towards a future full of hope and promise.
This masterclass explores the relationship between leadership and synodality through an examination of the various kinds of ‘power’ utilised by leaders, and how these ‘power bases’ are re-situated through the synodal process to promote healthy leadership in the Church.
Laudato Si’ is a call to action for all Catholics. This call is emphasised in the Integral Ecology and Conversion Decree from the Plenary. How can we make it a reality in our spirituality, our parishes, communities and in our personal actions? Making Laudato Si’ a Reality aims to provide participants with an understanding of the encyclical’s call and steps for its implementation. Acknowledging the variety of starting points, after a general introduction, our master class will split into two groups, facilitating those who are starting in their journey of implementing a Laudato Si Action Plan and those who have already been working in this area. The class will inspire, connect communities and provide practical steps forward so that the Catholic Church can shine as an example of caring for our Common Home.
Join us for an interactive session that is an opportunity to walk in the footsteps of Australian First Nations Peoples through storytelling and immersion facilitated by Thelma Parker, Joni McCourt and Eric Robinson.
This Blanket Exercise is for anyone wanting to grow in understanding with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholics and help make true reconciliation a reality. These Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) dialogue experiences create a common ground of language and dispel misunderstandings.
Our world is faced with significant conflicts resulting in the displacement of over 100 million people due to religious or political persecution, war and increasingly, environmental crisis. In Australia, we have a long and complex history around what it means to welcome those who are seeking safety. This session aims to share practical information and stories of personal experience. We will explore the Archdiocese of Brisbane Refugee Sponsorship Initiative and ask the question of how our parishes and communities can act meaningfully in this space, and how working to become spaces of welcome in action can enrich our relationships and enliven our communities.
Sessions description to come
‘Inclusion should be the first rock on which to build our house’ – Pope Francis, Fratelli Tutti. We live in a society that can often be polarising, but as Christians, we are compelled to respect the dignity and freedom of every human being. We are called beyond tolerance to welcome and love. This masterclass will provide you with a broader understanding of the diversity in our society and how we as a Church are called to respond.
Bishop Ken Howell was ordained a priest in 1983. Between 1994 and 1997, he completed a Licentiate in Sacred Liturgy at the Pontifical Institute Sant’Anselmo in Rome. He has served the Archdiocese of Brisbane for many years in several roles including as Secretary for the late Archbishop John Bathersby, Dean of the Cathedral of St Stephen, Vice Rector of the Seminary, and chair of the Archdiocesan Commission on the Liturgy for which was the inaugural chair. He has served in the Parishes of Noosa District, Burleigh Heads, The Cathedral and South Brisbane.
On 14 June 2017, Bishop Ken was ordained Auxiliary Bishop of Brisbane at the Cathedral of St Stephen, Brisbane. He is now the Secretary for the Queensland Bishops, Parish Priest for Kangaroo Point East Brisbane Parish and Director of the Diaconate Program for the Archdiocese. In February 2021, he was also appointed as Vicar General of the Archdiocese. He is also liaison Bishop to the Holy Spirit Seminary and he forms ordination candidates in the art of presiding.
On 14 June 2017, Bishop Ken was ordained Auxiliary Bishop of Brisbane at the Cathedral of St Stephen, Brisbane. He is now the Secretary for the Queensland Bishops, Parish Priest for Kangaroo Point East Brisbane Parish and Director of the Diaconate Program for the Archdiocese. In February 2021, he was also appointed as Vicar General of the Archdiocese. He is also liaison Bishop to the Holy Spirit Seminary and he forms ordination candidates in the art of presiding.
Diocese of Lismore
Bishop Greg Homeming OCD, is an Australian Chinese born in Sydney on 30 May 1958. He took the degrees of Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Laws at Sydney University, was admitted as a solicitor in 1981 and worked as a lawyer in Sydney until1985. At the end of 1985, the Bishop joined the Discalced Carmelite Order, making his first profession on 1 February 1987. He completed his priestly studies at the Yarra Theological Union, Melbourne taking the degrees of Bachelor of Theology from the Melbourne College of Divinity and Master of Arts in Philosophy from the University of Melbourne. The Bishop was ordained a priest on 20 July 1991 and has held, within his Order, the positions of Major Superior, Novice Master, Prior (at Varroville and St Ives) and Director of Retreats, a ministry of particular interest to him. Until his appointment as Bishop of Lismore, he was the Regional Vicar (Major Superior) of the Discalced Carmelites in Australia. He was ordained Bishop of Lismore 22 February 2017.
Speaker Bio to come
Thelma is an Aboriginal woman from Wangkamana/Warluarra and Kalkadoon clan group, born in Cloncurry and lived the majority of her earlier life in the western Queensland region. Thelma is the only person in Australia with the permission to facilitate the Blanket Exercise, which originated in Canada.
Thelma has vast experience in achieving positive educational outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. Her previous roles include: chairperson for the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council (NATSICC), Head of School at the Edmund Rice Education Australia Mount Isa Flexible Learning School and a number of roles in Catholic Education and Reconciliation Australia. Thelma has recently started her own consultancy firm to partner with businesses and organisation in truth telling and support first nations people.
Steph Unger is a teacher, Christian singer/songwriter and Youth Leader who specialises in shaping and facilitating empowering and inspiring experiences of encounter for young people. Steph is passionate about helping young people know that they are made in the image and likeness of God and to provide authentic and life-giving opportunities where they feel seen, valued, heard and loved. Steph’s background in teaching and ministry has helped her have a unique perspective of the joys and possibilities that strong, mutual and positive relationships between Parish and Schools can have on the whole community.
After completing his Licentiate in Sacred Theology at the Lateran University in Rome and his Doctorate at the Catholic Institute in Sydney, Dr Paul Morrissey taught systematic and moral theology at the University of Notre Dame for eight years. In 2015, he became President of Campion College, a private tertiary institution and Australia’s first liberal arts college.
Fr Scot Anthony Armstrong is a member of the Brisbane Oratory in formation. His areas of specialisation are patristics and philosophical anthropology. He worked as a violinist, and occasionally as a violist, director/conductor before entering the seminary.
Roby is the founder of Emmanuel City Mission where he works on the frontline in ministry to the homeless and indigenous. The centre for ECM is based in Merivale St in South Brisbane in a high density homeless population and where up to 35%of his regular visitors identify as indigenous. He is a member of the Senior Leadership Team of Emmanuel Community and has previously been a worship leader and songwriter with Emmanuel Worship.
Michael Mangan is a liturgist, educator and composer whose songs and hymns are widely used in parish and school liturgy & religious education throughout Australia, NZ and North America. In addition to school and parish concert tours, Michael regularly speaks and performs at national and international conferences and events. He holds degrees in Arts (Music) and Education, and a Master of Theology in Liturgical Studies. Michael is Education Consultant for Liturgy Brisbane, National Chair of the Australian Pastoral Musicians Network, a member of the Australian Academy of Liturgy. He leads music ministry and is part of the leadership and liturgy teams at All Saints Parish, Albany Creek. Michael has a special interest in liturgical ministry to children and families and is passionate about using vibrant and engaging music to enhance participation in inclusive and meaningful liturgy.
Clare Schwantes has been the Editor at Liturgy Brisbane since 2012. Her role includes preparing annual publications such as the Ordo and the Daily Mass Book on behalf of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, as well as Break Open the Word and Praying Together with Young People. She is also responsible for the design and ongoing evolution of the electronic liturgy planning program, Liturgia, which is used widely in schools and parishes around Australia. Clare has a Master of Theological Studies (Liturgy), Bachelors of Education and Psychology, diplomas in Editing and Publishing, and is a PhD candidate at the University of Queensland. Clare is the Chair of the National Liturgical Council, secretary of the Brisbane Archdiocesan Commission on the Liturgy, a member of the Australian Academy of Liturgy and is on the editorial board of the quarterly journal, Liturgy News.
Alice Carwardine’s work in the area of Laudato Si’ and integral ecology began in 2018 when she started providing professional development for teachers and formation for parishes on these topics. She has since worked for the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change and more recently Caritas Catholic Earthcare continuing to support families, schools and parishes on their journey with Laudato Si’, the Laudato Si’ action Platform and the 7 Laudato Si’ goals. She completed her Master’s in Theology with a focus on eco-theology in 2021 and has also worked on the Laudato Si’ Action Platform working groups to help develop the platform itself.
Shane Dwyer is an Associate Director of Evangelisation Brisbane who leads the Adult Formation team for the Archdiocese. He is the former Director of the National Centre for Evangelisation and previously the Academic Dean of the Broken Bay Institute. He is currently completing his PhD thesis on the relevance of John of the Cross to the contemporary quest for authenticity. An experienced speaker, faith resource writer and course provider, his particular concern is for accompanying groups and individuals as they seek to grow in their understanding of our faith, and of how to live that faith in this place and time. He is a qualified and experienced spiritual director, pastoral ministry supervisor and retreat leader.
Teresa has been involved in ministry in the Church for the last 20 years. Previous areas of study include business management, theology, canon law and governance. She is also the proud mum of two beautiful girls, Lily and Thea. Teresa is passionate about creating the foundations parishes need to grow missionary disciples. She enjoys helping parishes discover their vision for the future and mapping out the tangible steps towards achieving this vision.
Chantale has been engaged in work and ministry to children and families for 30 years. She is a registered teacher with qualifications and experience in Early Childhood, Primary and Religious Education and experience in coordinating Catholic children’s ministry in various settings. In her role as Associate Director, Children and Families with Evangelisation Brisbane, Chantale is dedicated to creating opportunities for children and their parents to encounter Jesus, find their home in the Catholic Church and thrive as missionary-disciples in their own right.
Speaker Bio to come
Raised on a farm in Butler Tanks (country SA), Emma has a strong connection to country. Her passions are faith, justice, ecology and peace, with a side obsession with running. For over 25 years she has been teaching and her work life has also extended into counselling, chaplaincy and parish youthwork with a strong focus on reconciliation programs, ecology and advocacy for people on the margins. Emma currently works supporting the important mission of Justice, Ecology and Peace through the Catholic Justice and Peace Commission (CJPC) and Evangelisation Brisbane’s Inclusion Team. Emma is committed to strong communication and connection between the CJPC and Parishes, Community Groups and Archdiocesan Agencies for ensuring positive progress.
Melinda is a member of the Inclusion Team at Evangelisation Brisbane, an initiative that is committed to identifying and removing barriers of exclusion within the Archdiocese of Brisbane, conscious or unconscious, institutional or individual. She brings a passion and experience in the areas of support and advocacy for vulnerable and marginalised people. She passionately believes in the call for our church to be a home for all who wish it to be, and strongly believes in the power of good relationships and their capacity to forge a sense of belonging.
Born and raised in Colombia, Liliana Ortiz, the new Multicultural Pastoral Care Project Officer for Evangelisation Brisbane, brings a wealth of personal experience and a deep faith to her new role. Liliana has been an active member of the Latin American Catholic Community in Brisbane for over 15 years, serving in various roles throughout this time including as the Coordinator of Evangelisation Ministry.
Emma is the Communications Manager for Evangelisation Brisbane and has a deep passion for everyone finding their home in the Church. She brings over 25 years experience in a wide range of ministry areas and provides valuable insight about what we can achieve when we are intentional about being an inclusive church.
The Archdiocesan Summit project is managed by Evangelisation Brisbane
(07) 3324 3440
We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians on whose land we walk, live and worship.
And we and pay respect to the elders past, present and emerging as we move towards reconciliation together.
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