Today’s Gospel comes from the twenty-first chapter of Luke. It’s a chapter that, for the most part, is filled with foreboding images of wars and tumults, earthquakes and famines, trials, and persecution. Images we see splayed on the nightly news all too often. Yet, it’s also a chapter in which Jesus exhorts us to be watchful, vigilant and enduring witnesses to Jesus Christ and he gives us something very tangible to hold on to. In the midst of all of these immense difficulties we can be absolutely certain of this – Jesus’ words will never pass away.
Jeus is the Word made flesh, the One who was there from before the beginning, the One who will be there for all eternity.
Today’s Gospel is a call to lift our eyes above the tumult and fix our gaze on eternity – on Jesus. It’s an invitation to get in touch with the ‘longing and yearning for the courts of the Lord’ that the psalmist speaks of – the longing that’s in the heart of every woman and man, including you and me.
Heavenly Father, send your Holy Spirit to us that we might hold steadfastly to your Word, your Son Jesus. Please, give us faith to raise our eyes to Jesus in all circumstances, trusting that you hold eternity in your hands. Amen.
By Chantale Wilson