
Who do you say I am?

– Friday 25th Week in Ordinary Time –

‘He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter answered, “The Messiah of God.”’   [Luke 9:20]

I often imagine this question like a signpost at a busy crossroad. Over time, we walk this road of faith and along the way we may see Jesus in different ways, just as the people in today’s gospel did – a teacher, a healer, a prophet. It’s true, Jesus is all these things, but each one is only a glimpse of who he fully is and who he desires to be for us!

So, sooner or later, Jesus will ask each of us ‘who do you say I am?’ Our answer to this question can lead us down one road or another, either deeper into relationship with Jesus and the life that he offers, or not. It is our response that determines whether Jesus remains just a teacher, a healer or a prophet in our lives, or if we let him take us by the hand and lead us down the road to life in him.

Have you stood at that crossroad like Peter and answered that question?

In scripture, Jesus tells us clearly who he is. He is God’s only Son, the One who died on the cross and rose again to new life, the One who made a way to fullness of life with God and who invites us to share that life. Today, Jesus stands at the crossroad with us and asks, ‘who do you say I am?’ What is your answer?


by Chantale Wilson

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