
Love God, Love Others

– Friday, Week 20 in Ordinary Time –

On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.’ (Matthew 22:40)

In answering this question from one of the Pharisees, Jesus reveals God’s deepest longing for all humanity: Love God, Love others. ‘On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.’ He even says that the entire Old Testament (Law and Prophets) depends on these two commandments!

These commandments have the potential to become a monotonous catchphrase ‘Love God, Love others.’ The more we hear it, the more our hearts become hardened to its importance. I’d like to propose today that we meditate on the importance of loving our neighbour. St. Thomas Aquinas says that to ‘To love, is to will the good of the other.’

Ask yourself the question today: How can I put aside my own desires, wants and needs for the benefit of someone else’s good. This could be a spouse, friend or someone in your life that you find difficult. How can I model love like Christ who freely gave of himself on the cross because of His love for the Father and for us.

Lord Jesus,
You show us the way to love.
We ask for the grace to love and
to choose sacrifice over comfort.
You remind us that loving others is loving you.
 (Matt 25:45)

by Dom Dougherty

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