
Expect Persecution

– Friday, Week 14 in Ordinary Time –

‘You will be hated by all.’ (Matthew 10:22)

It is pretty easy to read this job description and say ‘that’s a hard NO from me!’

Jesus warns that our family, our friends and many of those we meet will try to destroy you.  He certainly doesn’t portray the life of a disciple as a comfortable one.  ‘You will be hated by all!’  But this life does come with an instruction manual.  ‘Do not worry what you are to say……..The Spirit of your Father will speak through you.’ And then a word of comfort: ‘The one who endures to the end will be saved.” (Matthew 10:19,20)

It is easy to think that this is a story from history, that this doesn’t happen today, but we need to remember that people die every day for their faith.  We live in a safe nation where we can practise our faith without persecution or danger.  Let us remember those whose faith could cost them their lives; who bravely proclaim the name of Jesus, regardless of their circumstances. Let us commit them to our prayers.

by Katherine Gilmore

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