
Find out about our fun days for kids, holiday programs and primary aged youth groups

a new vision for ministry to children

Do you want to see our churches buzzing with the joyful chorus of children filling the pews? So do we. Hear more about our vision for ministry to children here:

sacramental initiation of children

Children are invited into full participation in the Church through the sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist) as well as Penance, celebrated in their local parish. To find out more and to access Archdiocesan resources to support this journey, head to the Flame of Faith website:


Many opportunities exist for children to engage with their local parish. These include Children’s Liturgy of the Word, holiday activities, primary aged youth groups as well as playgroups for parents/caregivers and their little ones.

We also have a great range of resources for running children's ministry. Find out more here:

The marriage course

Seven weekly sessions online beginning 31 may

Whether you’ve been married six months or 40 years, whether you’re in a good place or struggling, The Marriage Course offers practical support to strengthen your relationship.

The course helps couples to; Communicate more effectively, understand each other’s needs, resolve conflict, recognise how upbringing affects your relationship, develop greater sexual intimacy and much, much more...

leader Training and formation for leaders

Get connected with our team who are specially skilled in training, forming and resourcing children’s ministry leaders (whether that be for sacramental preparation, primary school youth group, kids club, Children's Liturgy of the Word, or State School Religious Instruction) or join with other children’s ministry leaders across the Archdiocese of Brisbane by becoming part of our Catholic Children’s Ministry Network. Find out more here:


We’d love to talk to you more about how to engage Children and Families through ministry in your local context

Chantale Wilson

associate director

Charlotte Pitot

project officer




(07) 3324 3440

We acknowledge and pay respect to Traditional Custodians on whose land we walk, live and worship. 

We acknowledge all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Thank you, we'll be in touch soon

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