
Guided by Our Queen to the Heavenly Banquet

– Memorial The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary –

‘I have prepared my dinner, my oxen and fat calves have been slaughtered, and everything is ready; come to the wedding banquet.’ (Matthew 22:4)

Today, we celebrate the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We recognise her as a Queen, as John describes in the Book of Revelation, where he sees her crowned and coronated. Her presence and place in heaven is a testament to her role as our spiritual mother, intercessor and someone to whom we can turn in prayer, asking for her guidance and protection. Mary, our mother and Queen, is like a compass, always directing us towards her Son, Jesus. Let us rejoice with her in this celebration.

In today’s Gospel reading, we encounter another celebration: the wedding banquet of the King’s son. The feast is prepared, but sadly, those originally invited refuse to come. Deemed unworthy, the King sends his servants out to invite anyone they can find. As the hall fills with guests, the King notices one man without a wedding garment, who is then bound and cast into the darkness.

This parable invites us to reflect on our invitation to the Kingdom that is for all, and that our participation does not come without expectations. Are we like those who reject the invitation? Or, worse, are we like the man who, despite being present, was unprepared and half-hearted in his commitment? Are we truly worthy of the banquet?

All the great saints shared a deep devotion to Mary, seeing her as the surest path to Jesus. By seeking her intercession, we open ourselves to the graces that prepare us to fully embrace the divine invitation. Let us pray to Mary, our Queen of Heaven, to guide us on our journey so that we may one day join in the glorious banquet that awaits us.

by Janeen Lamb

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