Alpha is a 10 week program that creates an opportunity for parishes in the Archdiocese of Brisbane to make and form disciples who go out into their neighbourhoods and wider community. Alpha can also be used as a fantastic complementary resource for the enquiry period of the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) journey.
Our Adult Formation team is offering an Archdiocesan Alpha Journey where, in collaboration with Alpha Australia, we will walk with parish teams as you look to train new leaders and start an Alpha season in your own parish. We believe that there will be much to celebrate along the journey so we will end the journey with an all in Celebration Event.
Here are the main destination points along the way:
Come & See Event
7pm | Wed 31st July | Hanly Room
This in an experiential event for people in parishes who want to see what a typical Alpha session looks and feels like. We are inviting parishes to come together with a group of leaders as you consider introducing or reigniting Alpha in your parish. Please use the link below to secure your spot. Tickets are limited and we recommend sending a minimum of two parishioners per parish and encourage up to 6 team members to attend.
Team Training & Support
7pm | Wed 4th September | Hanly Room
We are inviting all parishes and communities who would like to be a part of our Archdiocesan Alpha Journey, to join us at our second destination point. You do not need to have attended the Come and See event to join us on the Journey.
The Archdiocesan Alpha Training and Support event is the second destination point and will be on Wednesday 4th September. We will be supporting any teams that are interested in being a part of the Journey to run a local Alpha in your context. This training event will include a behind the scenes look at how Alpha works and will focus on giving you the tools to help you thrive in teamwork and facilitate great small groups.
Alpha Journey in the Parish
We will walk with you, in real time, as your team runs your parish or community Alpha starting the week of the 30th of September (Term 4 of the School Term) and ending first week of December.
This will be a 10-week journey including a day for a combined Retreat Day on the 23rd of November at Holy Spirit Seminary for all parishes on that are on the Alpha Journey.
Please email Vanessa if your parish or community will be running a local Alpha starting in October: comninosv@bne.catholic.net.au
Celebration Event
We believe in the importance of celebrating well, and as a result we will come together after experiencing the Alpha Journey together, to celebrate all God has done and all we have achieved. It will be a time to celebrate the fruits of the Archdiocesan Alpha Journey and to learn from the bumps we experienced on the road. This event will also be a time to dream about mission in our context and cast our eyes forward to the Christmas Season. This event will be held on the 30th of November.
Useful resources
Through the Alpha Journey, all the resources you need to run a successful Alpha experience will be provided for you.
We can’t wait to have you onboard for this incredible journey as we focus on learning together, laughing together and going out on mission together.
If you have any questions and would like to talk about the Alpha Journey, please call or email Vanessa Comninos, Project Officer – Adult Formation at Evangelisation Brisbane.
Vanessa Comninos
Project Officer - Adult Formation
(07) 3324 3974