The Joy of the Gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus
The Joy of the Gospel n.1
REtreats & resources
Spiritual Formation opportunities are available for anyone all year long! If you're looking for formation, come to a Guided Retreat or A Morning's Prayer at Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre in Ormiston for a spiritual experience.
The RCIA is available to adults seeking to be baptised or received into the Catholic Church. We assist those leading RCIA groups by supporting and resourcing them in their ministry.
Evangelisation Brisbane manages the Archdiocese of Brisbane retreat site, Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre. If you're looking for some self-guided time away with God, or a guided retreat experience, visit the Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre website to find out more:
Alpha takes people on a journey often leading to a personal encounter with Jesus Christ.
It enables people to ask their questions, share ideas, build friendships and experience the love of God through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Alpha is a parish tool for evangelisation based on hospitality, sharing and open conversation over a series of 10 sessions exploring the key messages of the Christian faith.
There’s so much to know about the Catholic faith, but so little time! Join Shane Dwyer and a monthly special guest in an organic discussion about Catholicism, theology and life. If you’re interested in learning more, going deeper or just getting some perspective on Catholicism, tune in for a weekly chat!
Our vision is that every Catholic in the Archdiocese grows in his or her awareness of ongoing faith formation and spiritual renewal is intrinsic to living a Catholic life. We provide an accessible faith formation online course, and come to parishes, communities and groups to provide adult formation by arrangement.